Link Click season 2 ending explained- Does Cheng Xiaoshi die? (2024)

Produced by LAN Studio, Link Click season 2 was one of the eagerly anticipated sequels of this year. While the latest installment of this Chinese donghua concluded on September 22, 2023, fans still cannot get over its rather cryptic ending that casts doubt on Cheng Xiaoshi's eventual fate.

Following the finale's release, several fans took to social media to ask questions such as, "Does Cheng Xiaoshi die in Link Click season 2?", or "What happens to Cheng Xiaoshi?".

Although the sequel doesn't end on a dramatic cliffhanger like the previous season, it has nonetheless piqued fans' interest and set up a perfect stage for the next season, which has already been confirmed.

Link Click season 2 ending reveals Lu Guang going back in time to save Cheng Xiaoshi from his death

According to the ending of Link Click season 2, Cheng Xiaoshi died in the main timeline. However, following his death, his powers must have passed onto Lu Guang, who then dove into a picture and went back to the beginning to save his friend.

While the ending teased Cheng's death, it didn't reveal exactly when he died originally. From the clothes that Lu and Cheng were wearing, it's possible that he died during the first season's events. Nonetheless, the Link Click season 2 ending confirmed Cheng's death and revealed Lu Guang as a time traveler.

Link Click season 2 ending explained- Does Cheng Xiaoshi die? (1)

However, the question is, how did Lu acquire Cheng's powers? According to the final episode of Link Click season 2, special powers can be passed from one person to another following their death.

That's how Qiao Ling was able to acquire Li Tianxi's powers. When the latter breathed her last, her powers were passed on to Qiao Ling, who then confronted Li Tianxi's visions and, simultaneously, everyone she was associated with.

As such, she was also able to peek into the memories of Lu Guang. It was then that she saw Lu holding the lifeless corpse of Cheng Xiaoshi. She was seemingly concerned by this vision but didn't know whether it was an illusion or reality.

Link Click season 2 ending explained- Does Cheng Xiaoshi die? (2)

Later, Liu Min's brother, Liu Xiao, arrived in Link Click season 2 and made some exhilarating revelations. It was implied that he knew everything about the special powers, including the fates of Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi.

Apparently, the white-haired protagonist, Lu Guang, has traveled back in time multiple times to save his friend, and each time he was unsuccessful in the end, thus creating multiple parallel timelines. This explains how Lu remained calm and composed for most of the time and knew about the timing of the boat's arrival.

Link Click season 2 ending explained- Does Cheng Xiaoshi die? (3)

It was repeatedly reinforced that death was an unchangeable node. Despite that, Lu Guag broke his own rule and decided to change his friend's fate. The final episode of Link Click season 2 saw Lu seemingly concerned about Xiaoshi's life. It's implied that although he was perhaps able to save him during the events of the finale, dark clouds still hang over Cheng's fate.

Notably, the finale saw both Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi confronting Qian Jin. Fans would like to know that during the 5:59 minute mark in the episode, there was a special effect, perhaps hinting at a changed timeline. It's possible that at that moment Cheng was supposed to die at Jin's hands, but Lu Guang's interference in the battle saved him.

Link Click season 2 ending explained- Does Cheng Xiaoshi die? (4)

However, as mentioned earlier, death is an unchangeable node, and that means Xiaoshi's death still remains a possibility in the future. That being said, there's a way to change this seemingly 'unchangeable node' as well.

As was revealed from Liu Xiao's conversation with Li Tianchen, while everyone has seemingly one path in their destiny, in reality, it is made up of countless parallel lines. As such, destiny can be changed by one's personality and also by the influence of others.

In other words, there's a slight possibility for Lu Guang to completely change his friend, Cheng Xiaoshi's tragic fate. However, fans have to wait for the release of Link Click season 3 to see how exactly he can achieve this.

The next season, which has already been confirmed, might focus on both Lu and Cheng's fates and also on Liu Xiao, who might become the next antagonist in the series.

Be sure to keep up with more anime news and manga updates as 2023 progresses.

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Edited by Babylona Bora


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Link Click Season 2 Ending and Concepts

Link Click season 2, produced by LAN Studio, concluded on September 22, 2023, leaving fans intrigued by its cryptic ending that casts doubt on Cheng Xiaoshi's fate. The ending reveals Lu Guang going back in time to save Cheng Xiaoshi from his death, setting the stage for the next season. The sequel doesn't end on a dramatic cliffhanger but has piqued fans' interest and confirmed Cheng's death, revealing Lu Guang as a time traveler [[SOURCE 1]].

Cheng Xiaoshi's Fate:

  • According to the ending, Cheng Xiaoshi died in the main timeline, and Lu Guang acquired his powers after his death. Lu traveled back in time multiple times to save Cheng, creating multiple parallel timelines. The final episode hints at a changed timeline, suggesting that Lu's interference may have saved Cheng from death at a specific moment [[SOURCE 1]].

Acquisition of Powers:

  • The final episode of Link Click season 2 explains that special powers can be passed from one person to another following their death. This is demonstrated when Qiao Ling acquires Li Tianxi's powers after her death. Liu Min's brother, Liu Xiao, arrives and makes revelations about the special powers, implying that he knows about the fates of Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi [[SOURCE 1]].

Changing Destiny:

  • The concept of changing destiny is introduced, suggesting that destiny can be influenced by one's personality and the influence of others. This implies a possibility for Lu Guang to change Cheng Xiaoshi's tragic fate, which may be explored in Link Click season 3 [[SOURCE 1]].

Future of the Series:

  • The next season, Link Click season 3, has already been confirmed and is expected to focus on both Lu and Cheng's fates, as well as Liu Xiao, who might become the next antagonist in the series [[SOURCE 1]].

In summary, Link Click season 2's ending and concepts revolve around time travel, the acquisition of special powers, the possibility of changing destiny, and the setup for the next season's storyline.

I hope this information provides a comprehensive understanding of the concepts related to Link Click season 2. If you have further questions or need more details, feel free to ask!

Link Click season 2 ending explained- Does Cheng Xiaoshi die? (2024)
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